SOC 110 Week 3 Participation

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SOC 110 Week 3 Participation
SOC 110 Week 3 Participation
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SOC 110 Week 3 Participation

Careers in IT

Watch and discuss “Careers in IT” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

  • Is the approach to teamwork discussed in this video similar to what you have experienced in your school or professional life?
  • What are the benefits of this approach?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Workplace Relationships: Playing Your Part

Watch and discuss “Workplace Relationships: Playing Your Part” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

  • How have you contributed to team projects in your school or professional life?
  • How would you describe your role within a team?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Leadership and Teamwork Skills

Watch and discuss “Leadership and Teamwork Skills” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

  • Are you comfortable in the leadership role within a team? Why or why not?
  • What skills can you develop to strengthen your leadership skills?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Leaders As Servants

Watch and discuss “Leaders As Servants,” in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

  • Do you think the servant leadership model would be an effective model of leadership in the workplace? Why or why not?

Discuss and respond to your peers.

Leadership Styles

Watch and discuss “Leadership Styles” on this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings page.

  • How would you characterize the leadership style of a manager or boss for whom you have worked? Why?

Discuss and respond to your peers.